The importance of sex education for the teenagers was underlined in Olifant’s successful event, which was held last Friday at Puri Artha hotel. The previous day the children of the 5th,6th and 7th grades attended Olifant’s sex educational program which was organized by a special Olifant team under the direction of the psychologist Ms Hanlie Muliani. This particular educational program included several sessions concerning the hormonal and psychological changes that adolescents are facing as well as activities to help them define their personal boundaries, respect themselves and others in the school. It also made them aware of the possible consequences of their actions. Comprehensive sex education covers a wide range of topics including information and communication skills building as well as values exploration.
Olifant’s teenagers were given information about the risks of porn and other addictions and their damaging effect on the brain, as well as other dangers that they can face through the social media, and the internet.
At the beginning of the program, boys and girls attended sessions in separate groups (so they could feel comfortable to ask any questions) on gender, human growth and development, human reproduction, pregnancy, sexual anatomy and physiology. Students participated in activities that enabled them to see the need for personal boundaries and encouraged them to define what these boundaries should be.
Dating was also discussed in groups. Carefully planned role-plays between teachers, enabled students to understand that they have to follow the values of their parents and the school. The program encouraged students to respect the boundaries of both parents and school. It aims to guide them to become happy, well-balanced individuals with a sound moral code of behaviour and ethics. It was made clear that in Olifant’s environment, boys are expected to behave like “gentlemen” and girls like “ladies”.
The motto “Wrong Is Wrong, Even If Everyone Is Doing It, And Right Is Right, Even If No One Is Doing It” underlined the importance of the personal boundaries against peer pressure that occurs at this age.
As parents, we can really make a difference when we talk with our kids. In fact, teens often name their parents as the biggest influence when making decisions. The question that arises here is how can we talk effectively to our teenage kids. As Ms Hanlie Muliani underlined in OLIFANT School for Parents event, last Friday, "Studies have shown that children only listen to us when "preaching "on average 7%, when at the same moment they pay attention 55% in our body language".
In other words, the communication between us and our children is of a great importance and it is equally important for our kids, to show them our care with facial expressions.
We can help our teenage kids deal with topics related to sexuality starting when they are young and we can continue their guidance throughout their lives. Sexuality includes a wide range of topics including male and female bodies and how they work, human development, reproduction, types of relationships, what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy, and sexual behaviour.
Parents really can make a difference. We can talk with our kids, build strong relationships with them, and set clear expectations and boundaries for them.
Everyday life provides lots of opportunities for talking about sexuality. When watching a TV show that shows a young person going through puberty or going out on a date, seeing an ad that prompts thoughts about body acceptance, or running into a pregnant neighbour, we can initiate conversations with our children. These teachable moments occur every day, and can help make the conversation easier and more natural.
It’s important to give our kids truthful, useful, and accurate information that conveys our own values about sexuality and relationships. It helps to think ahead of time about what messages we want to express. For example, a common topic that comes up with children is the difference between boys and girls or men and women. Some parents might want to convey the feeling that boys and girls are mostly the same except for some body parts, and boys and girls can do the same things. Other parents may want to express the belief that boys and girls are quite different from one another in many ways.
Talking about sexuality may be uncomfortable at first, but it will get easier in time. Being open to discussing sexuality can be challenging but it can help us to strengthen our overall relationship with our children.
Listening to children shows them that we’re interested in and respect what they have to say. We don’t always have to agree with what we hear, but it is important to pay attention to what they say.

Nothing in the internet or cell phone is private !
Apa yang terlintas dari kalimat diatas ?, kebebasan data, free akses, no privasi, cyber criminal, apapun bisa terlintas dalam pikiran yang membacanya.
Ya, ini lah era digital, dimana semua orang dapat terhubung secara online dan begitu dimanja dengan berbagai kemudahan teknologi . Dari anak, remaja hingga orang dewasa dapat dengan mudah mencari informasi yang diinginkan. Tentu ini bagai dua sisi mata uang, disatu sisi memudahkan namun disisi lain bahaya serius mengintai anak-anak kita.
Berangkat dari hal tersebut Olifant menggelar “Sex – Ed and Digital Danger for Smart Parent” pada tanggal 29 Juli 2016. Sebuah forum yang digagas untuk mempersiapkan dan memberikan insight kepada orangtua Grade 5,6,7 terhadap manfaat serta bahaya penggunaan gadget dan internet yang saat ini semakin meluas.
Seperti quote Nothing in the internet or cell phone is private !, orang dapat dengan mudahnya mengakses data-data pribadi kita, lokasi, data keluarga dan sebagainya. Bahaya apa yang mengintai ? berikut diantaranya Addiction, Kidnapping, Consuming, Cyber bullying, Robbery, Sexting, Child predator, Criminalizing, Pornography.
Impact yang sering terjadi adalah, anak semakin jauh dari kehidupan nyatanya, addiction pada suatu games tertentu akan mendorong anak atau seseorang untuk mengimitasi apa yang dimainkannya, melunturkan value sosial dan yang membahayakan adalah membawa apa yang ada dalam game dalam dunia nyata sehingga bisa menyakiti teman, kelompok, ataupun suatu komunitas tertentu.
Impact lainnya adalah pornography !. Pornography tidak melulu mengakses konten-konten dewasa, namun dari lirik lagu, adegan dan pakaian yang kurang pantas dalam suatu video singkat atau lagu merupakan awal keingintahuan anak mengetahui hal-hal yang lebih dari itu.
Pada forum diskusi tersebut, orangtua diberikan informasi mengenai perkembangan games-games dan aplikasi apa saja yang saat ini sedang hits di kalangan anak dan remaja,trik-trik apa saja yang dilakukan oleh remaja untuk menyembunyikan konten-konten yang tidak sepantasnya.
AWARENESS ! , ya kesadaran orangtua menjadi sangat penting akan fenomena ini, berikut beberapa tips trik mengatasi paparan pengaruh negative internet dari hasil diskusi dalam forum tersebut :
☀ Orangtua perlu paham teknologi, update game atau hal-hal yang saat ini sedang booming.
☀ Pembatasan dan kesepakatan bersama waktu bermain internet. Perlu ketegasan dan konsistensi dalam hal ini.
☀ Saat mengakses internet selalu dengan pendampingan orangtua.
☀ Melihat kode rate dalam suatu game ataupun tontonan.
☀ Mengganti setiap hari password wifi bila ada akses tersebut di rumah.
☀ Pengalihan kegiatan yang lebih positif seperti olahraga, diskusi dan sebagainya.
☀ Pasang security setting pada setiap aplikasi yang akan digunakan.
Mari smart parent, kita lindungi anak-anak dengan bijak menggunakan internet , penggunaan yang bijak bisa mengembangkan kreatifitas dan memudahkan proses belajarnya. Terus semangat untuk mendampingi anak-anak kita.
Parcom is​ ...
An Olifant parental support and help Group that helps to bridge the gap between the parents and the school with the purpose of furthering Olifant’s overall vision and mission.
Olifant’s partner in educating children to become well balanced, respectful and confident Individuals.
A mediator between individual parental interests and queries during the educational process and Olifant as a professional educational faculty and its policies. So as to form a harmonious synergy between the two necessary factions.
A source of strength and ideas to solidify the bond between parents, and school as a form of social cooperation and a learning example for children.

Ian Agisti Dewi Rani, SIP
PERIODE 2015 - 2016

Hargiyani, ST
PERIODE 2015 - 2016

Sandra Monica K. S.Psi
PERIODE 2015 - 2016
The Aim of Parcom
To assist in the education of parents and children in Olifant with the active participation of parents based on the theme of the school through individual creative activities and programs.
To strengthen the dissemination policies of parent teaching and learning at Olifant.
To initiate mediation in issues that may arise between Olifant parents and help to find the best solutions.
To assist parents in understanding the processes and methods of education applied in school.
To be a facilitator together with parents to establish Olifant intimacy between parents.

Emy Wahyuningtyas, SH
PERIODE 2015 - 2016

Jeane Tiolemba
PERIODE 2015 - 2016

Putu Indrawati
PERIODE 2015 - 2016