As stated in Olifant’s Vision, Olifant has committed itself to creating a supportive environment for young generations who have integrity and pride in their national identity and at the same time are prepared and excited to be part of the global community. Therefore, International perspectives and understanding are also an important aspect to be considered when developing a modern education system.
Olifant School has designed several programs that provide not only the students, but also the faculty, with unique opportunities to explore and establish international relationships and global experiences. Many connections, partnerships, and programs are set in order to accommodate these needs. Those connections and partnerships have always, and will continue to enrich and enhance Olifant’s global perspectives and understanding.

Immersion Program “ Cultural Exchange and Educational Trip to Singapore “
In April 2015, Olifants 5th grade students took a three day trip to Singapore to spend time in one of Singapore’s most prestigious schools Henry Park Primary School. The students visited places like “New Water” (water recycling plant), and “Gardens by the bay” to learn about solar energy, bio gas, water recycling and conservation. Students also visited the Singapore Science Center and S.E.A Aquarium to learn about science and nature. As part of their young entrepreneur program, the students had approached several businesses beforehand to propose sponsorships.
They worked very hard to prepare presentations, and were received with open arms. Many small businesses pledged their support and financial backing for the trip which made the students very proud. The students were also very proud to promote Javanese culture while they were in Singapore. With the support of the Keraton, the students were able to introduce their Singaporean classmates to the culture and taste of Java through dance, food, traditional outfits, games, and arts. They felt so proud to be Javanese and were welcomed with curiosity and kindness.

Olifant Elementary and Eastern Fleurieu School Australia have been collaborating and engaging the upper grade students to make connections and communicate with each other via email since August 2014. Olifant students practice their English writing skills and Fleurieu Students write back in Bahasa Indonesia as part of their in-school language program. The students trade stories and culture by writing. The students are so excited to make teleconference sessions starting next year and both schools are getting ready to make it happen.
Olifant School believes that teachers and all faculty members should also develop their global perspectives and understanding.
Therefore, Olifant School involves its faculty in several professional development, and educational programs overseas.
Olifant’s Head of Preschool was sent for a certificate study program in Early Childhood Education and professional development in the United States of America from 2013-2014.
Ms. Dewi Setyorini, S.E.,Ak., studied in Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and at the same time developed her professional skills such as volunteer set-up and management through community engagement programs, school management through Internship programs, Intercultural relationship, Public Speaking, etc.
Teachers and Staff experienced a cultural study tour to Singapore and Malaysia
On March 2015, 17 teachers and staff of Olifant School went to Singapore and Malaysia as a cultural enrichment program. They experienced and observed a new culture through their own eyes. This educated teachers about cultural nuances, education, and social differences. This was the second cultural study tour organized by Olifant School. The first tour was held in 2010 and attended by 11 teachers and staff.
Five of Olifant Management team went to Hong Kong on June 2013 for cultural study, and research. They included Ms. Deasy Andriani, Psi, Dra. Selly Sagita, Windy Prasetya, S.E., Yasinta Sekar Dwi Cayhaningrum, S.pd and Cicilia Dewi, Amd.
Olifant School’s External & International Director (Dra. Selly Sagita) accompanied by Head of Preschool (Dewi Setyorini,S.E.,Ak.), Head of Elementary (Mariana Hastuti, S.Psi), Coordinator of Olifant Curriculum (Yulita Mulyani) and Mandarin Teacher (Hong Cheng Di) received an honored invitation from HANBAN INSTITUTE for attending Professional Training on Chinese Language learning & Teaching Materials. This one week training program (in class and cultural study outside classes) was held on June 2012 in Hainan, China.
Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, is a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is committed to providing Chinese language and cultural teaching resources and services worldwide.
As a multicultural school, we are always on the lookout for young talented individuals from other countries who can enrich our students through culture, art, and innovation. At the same time, we feel that as a National education system, we also have a lot to offer in the way of culture, traditional arts, and education.
Therefore, we are proud to offer opportunities for foreign students who wish to learn about and discover Indonesia, and who want to share their experiences and culture in an educational atmosphere through our “Global Internship Program”.
If you are interested in joining our program, there are several options available:
1. Full-Time Internship Program (200+ hours)
2. Part-Time Internship Program (30+ hours
3. Short Period Visitation Programs (5+ hours)
Further information about our Global internship program, please contact us via email: olifant@olifantschool.com
Japanese Intern Shared Japanese Culture & Developed A Short Term Enrichment Program For Kindergarteners
Miwa Tani, a student majoring in Tourism and Hospitality from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, spent one month for an intercultural internship program at Olifant School. From August to September 2015, Miwa shared Japanese culture and language while assisting the teachers and joining many classes. She also developed a short term Japanese cultural Enrichment Program for Kindergarteners.

AUSTRALIAN STUDENT Completed 200+ Hour Internship Program
Ashley Pidgeon Is a student majoring in Child Care and Early Childhood Development at TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Australia. Ashley completed 200+ hours of full time Internship at Olifant from October to December 2014, and contributed by building a perpetual motion gadget board for the Olifant sand box out of recycled materials

German Students Introducing German Cultural Holiday Projects
Four students from Germany, Katharina Griethe, Max Schmiel and Anita Brodwolf, students of University of Passau and Beatrix Bau a student of University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany, were attending a 6 month short study program, as well as a Cross Cultural management Program at Atma jaya University Yogyakarta. During this time they also fulfilled a 30+ hour internship program at Olifant School from November to December 2014. They engaged in cultural exchange projects and activities such as Story Telling, Art Projects (Adventskalender), cooking class (special cookies and Gluhwein) and to top it all off, they went Caroling from one class to another to share Christmas cheer.

Deakin University Student completed a short period intership Program at Olifant School.
Mary Pearson, a student of Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, joined Olifant’s internship program for two weeks in February 2013. She contributed to the Olifant Chinese New Year event and also participated as a dancer the in Olifant Flash Mob.
German Intern discovers interesting thoughts Of Olifant Students about Their School
Anika Kopsch, a student from University of Applied Science Postdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, was achieving a Bachelor of Art in Early Childhood Education from October to December 2014. She applied for a 30+ hour Internship program at Olifant School during September 2012. She observed and assisted teachers in the classes and also conducted research about students’ favorite classrooms, and their wishes regarding the physical facilities in their school.
Partnership with Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies, China
Since 2011, Olifant and Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) have collaborated in many programs, mainly in creating opportunities for GDUFS students to be involved in internship programs while having short term study in Yogjakarta. Every year, a group of GDUFS students visits Olifant to collaborate with the school in many different areas such as art, and cultural projects.
In November 2011, the president of GDUFS, Prof Zong Weihe, Ph.D. visited and met the Directors of Olifant School, Deasy Andriani, Psi and Dra. Selly Sagita. They made an agreement on a mutual cultural and educational exchange for both schools.
Partnership with Sheilandi Jewelery, BELGIUM for “MOBILE DENTAL CARE PROJECT”
Olifant School has been collaborating with companies from across the world, and one of them is SHEILANDI, a Jewelry company that in concerned about dental care for children. Since 2012, SHEILANDI has been contributing and providing resources for the operational purposes of this project.

Warrnambool College, Australia.
In april 2015, Olifant was visited by teachers from Australia’s Warrnambool College. The College sponsored a large donation for an Olifant PARCOM community service project with Rumah Impian / Dream House center for street children.
We were able to donate new mattresses and logistics while providing health education and entertainment for the kids. Later that week, the heads of Warrnambool brought 29 Australian students aged 14-18 to Olifant to experience cultural education and training. The students were able to experience traditional arts like batik, and gamelan.
Several of Olifant students’ artwork was featured in an International scale festival held in Poland in 2013. This Festival highlighted as the theme. It was an open and creative forum for children across the world that accommodated any kind of artwork, in any style and any technique. This particular event was also to support International friendship.

The “Ollie and Troop” Series is going International! It will be featured in an International Book Festival that will be held in Frankfurt Germany in October 2015. All 5 titles are ready to be globally introduced in this particular festival, along with many other famous books from all over the world.
Ollie and Troop is a series of children’s adventure books which that highlight, multiculturalism, education and character building with Javanese traditional culture as the center of the story. Together, with Kanisius publishers, Olifant is proud to present the Ollie and Troop Book Series to the world.

Asian Education Foundation (AEF), The University of Melbourne Victoria.
AEF is a foundation of Asia Link Center at the University of Melbourne & Education Services, Australia. Under the AEF organization, several Australian teachers and Principals visited Indonesia and Olifant School has been one of their regular destinations while visiting Yogyakarta. Many great discussions and sharing sessions were conducted and it has been very enriching for both parties.

In April 2015, Olifant Preschool received an honored visitation by several Senior Teachers, Principals and Committees of TADIKA TWINKLE TOTS, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
During this special time, we discussed and shared different experiences and talked about the challenges in managing a Preschool. We discussed different education systems in Indonesia and Malaysia and also other countries.