Pak Adi Pranoto had many concerns about education in Indonesia both in the past and in our very real present, especially when comparing it to other countries which are known for their quality and high standard such as Singapore and Europe. Pak Adi and Ibu Adi pranoto took it upon themselves to sponsor the construction of Olifant preschool and Kindergarten. As the preschool and kindergarten system grew Pak Adi and Ibu Adi could see the dedication and sincerity of Ms Deasy, Bu Selly, Pak Irwanto, and the Teacher council assisted by the board of advisors.
They were in need of an adequate elementary school system in accordance with the progress that the school was making. Pak Adi and Ibu Adi decided to once again facilitate the construction of the school by sponsoring the implementation of Olifant Elementary and its new thematic building, using the “around the world” concept. This fit in perfectly with the founders vision of a global education system that uses the building and facilities as the second teacher. Mr and Mrs Adi Pranoto are excited for the future of the children of Yogyakarta, and are confident that Olifant School will be a great contribution to the future of Indonesia’s youth.

Ibu Utari Rahardjo is a woman that has a deep concern and passion regarding education even though she does not hold a formal degree in that specific field. She studied law and took a notary degree at Gadjah Mada University in 1972. Motivated by her high concern for education, she has dedicated herself to the ideals, vision, and mission of Olifant as one of its founders.
Her passion and concern in the field of medicine, particularly in dental and mouth care, are shown in the fact that she and Pak Adi have provided special dental healthcare equipment,including a special kids dental unit and a special dental program for Olifant, in order to focus on children’s dental health, and to help the children enjoy their routine checkups.

Pak Irwanto received his bachelor degree at Gadjah Mada University, along with M.sc, and Ph.D in Child Development and Family Studies at Purdue University, USA. Prof. Irwanto received his post doctorate degree in the field of Public Health at the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. Recently he achieved the tittle of professor.
He has become an experienced researcher,and leader of many educational and health institutions. He has lectured at several reputable universities all over Indonesia. He has dedicated himself as a trainer and facilitator for emissaries of world organizations and NGO's such as UNICEF, UNDP, ILO/IPEC, and UNAIDS. He is a councelor, consultant and member of Children Protection Organization and Anti-Trafficking Law Legislator. He is an author of many books, articles, and journals regarding personality, family, health, drug abuse, HIV-AIDS, and child prostitution. He participates in social community activities and has founded several social community foundations regarding child trauma regeneration, child sexual exploitation and also drug abuse.
Professor Irwanto is one of the Olifant Preschool founders, and has used his experience as a consultant for international schools in Jakarta, and member of the National curriculum team to design and supervise the construction of the Olifant School system. Motivated by a deep concern for children and education, he brings an invaluable expertise as a quality control advisor. The strength and uniqueness of the Olifant curriculum is in its utilization of the international teaching method, adapted to local culture, and children's needs.

Deasy Andriani is a strategical thinker that has combined her educational backgrounds as pyschologist and management skills specialist in order to lay the foundation of Olifant. As a certified pyschologist, she has also provided training for trainers, teachers and parents on how to educate their students or children in private, as well as government institutions.
She released her book "Early Learning and Schooling in 2008, and remains active in many educational organisations. Recently she was given her own radio program on Modern Parenting in collaboration with Star Jogja FM.
Her strong passion, will in education, and her interest in children's development has pushed her to set a new standard of education. She has developed an integrated and holistic education system with the sole purpose of building a foundation for a better Indonesia through Olifant.
She is now serving as the Academic Director of Olifant School.

Dra. Selly Sagita graduated from the Faculty of Economy Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta and English Extention Courses at Sanata Dharma University has a deep passion for education. Mrs. Selly is active in various educational organizations and businesses.
She is the founder of Borobudur Silver Group: Silver, Furniture, Resto and Orang Utan Adventure Resto in Yogyakarta and Mungkid Magelang. She was also founder of Yogya Kids Preschool in 1995 till June 2007 before she co-founded Olifant School with Deasy Andriani,Psi., Prof. Irwanto, Ph.D., and Utari Rahardjo, SH.
She is the author of the traditional arts publication “Indonesian Filigree”, a 2008 book about a special silver jewelry making technique. Her passion for education, culture, and tourism will continue to be cherished by the people of Yogyakarta.